Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Back In Action!!!

So I'm back and ready to be productive. I am trying so many different and new techniques for my business that the entire time I was at the beach I was wanting to work. CRAZY I know.... But I only let myself work one night.. That night I may or may not have been up till 4am... I am a little crazy and con not relax knowing I have work to do. I have been working on so many different sessions and finishing them up with in the next couple of days is on the top of my to do list. ( Which is a mile long) 

I have also started the 21 day fix and the first day hasn't been as rough as I thought it would've been. The only time I was really hungry and craving a cheese burger is right now and it is because i thought i could stomach plain greek yogurt with honey and strawberries... DID NOT HAPPEN! ( One of the nastiest things I have ever tried.) So I missed my second snack and I am a little hungry but I am trying to be tough and stick it out for my 21 Day Fix approved baked ziti!! I am secretly hoping that it will try out as delicious as it looked on pinterest! July fourth will also be the test on turning my head to things not approved! It is going to be TOUGH! 

But for what is going on in my life not to much just trying to get back on a schedule and live a healthier life. If you are expecting a session it will be up any day now! PINKY PROMISE :) Hope everyone is having a great summer and I will blog to you soon :) 
